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How To Get A Job As An Oil Rig Worker

Written by ClickHowTo Team

Becoming an oil rig worker can prove to be a difficult task because oil managers value experience. Not only this, mental and physical fitness is a key factor to pursuing this career. You will have to endure a physical exam before being considered for a position on the rigs. If you are one of the lucky ones to pass the exam and be chosen, there are certain restrictions you have to abide by. For example, you must be a non smoker and also abstain from alcohol during your long 14-21 day shifts. Which leads me on to the unusual schedule of being an oil rig worker. Shift patterns often include working through weekends, breaks and sometimes during the nights.

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Positions On The Rigs

Some of the positions on the rigs are more senior roles such as senior well engineers,interventions engineer and many other engineering rolls. These roles are mainly given to the more experienced rig workers as they can often be a little more dangerous for newbies. There are also entry level workers including welders, pipe fitters and certain medical roles and jobs like these are more available to the people starting out on oil rigs and looking to climb the ladder in this industry. On average, oil rig workers can usually earn between £35,000 and £55,000 per annum. Management roles can expect to get a lot more than this. You need to take into consideration though that you will often be working two weeks on two weeks off. Salaries can be negotiable dependant upon the firm and your experience.

Challenging Factors

Oil rig workers do have to make certain sacrifices in order to be successful at their job such as working tireless schedules of up to 21 days without a break. There are often different shift patterns and schedules, but one of the most common is working 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. You must also be a non smoker so you will need to curb that bad habit prior to embarking on your new career path, however stressed you may feel!

Entry Requirements

– You must be 18 or over

-You need to be physically and mentally fit(must pass physical exam)

-Must be a non smoker

-You will need to abstain from alcohol during your shifts

-Be willing to take on unusual schedule

-You need to be flexible and open to working nights

-Be prepared to work without weekend breaks


Whether it be family, friends or through internet chat rooms, speaking to people with real life experiences on an oil rig could be invaluable to you. It could be current oil rig workers or previous employees. Whichever it may be these people can prepare you for things that you may not of considered.

Search For Vacancies

Oil rig jobs are generally easier to find online. Although there may not be many posts available, various companies allow you to submit your c.v should they have a position suited to you. It’s important you read the job advert carefully to make sure you know what you are letting yourself in for!


Due to the job being physically demanding it is imperative that all employees embark upon Basic Offshore Safety Instruction and emergency Training (BOSIET). Many people think that mental fitness is vital too as working such long shifts whilst away from home can be gruelling and stressful if you’re not prepared correctly.

All in all, working offshore has many positive and negatives. How successful you are in such role will be dependant on the type of person you are and what you’re leaving behind to pursue this career. If this is the path you have chosen, I wish you the best of luck.

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ClickHowTo Team

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