Business Technology

How To for Wealth Brokers: Develop Your Online Networking Skills

Ryan K
Written by Ryan K

There are numerous statistics that reinforce the value of social networking for businesses, regardless of the industry in which they operate in. It’s estimated that 95% of adults aged between 18 and 34 follow brands through social media, for example, offering businesses access to a huge audience in the virtual realm.

For wealth brokers and managers, however, the need to network proactively online is even more pressing. After all, these companies rely on their ability to connect clients with viable services and financial products, which are only accessible through carefully cultivated relationships.

In this post, we’ll look at how firms of this type can enhance their ability to network, while considering the necessary steps to cultivate a positive, brand image online:

  1. Use an Integrated Social Platform to Suit your Audience

Whenever you look to network socially, it’s important to understand the profile of your audience and their likely needs.

After all, not all social media sites have been created equal, as some have clearly defined demographics and appeal to specific audiences. Take Pinterest, for example, as around 70% of this platform’s user base are female.

In the case of wealth brokers, it’s important to target a largely professional audience through sites such as LinkedIn and Twitter. This will ensure that your companies messaging and services are aimed at large and targeted market, enabling you to enter into mutually-beneficial relationships that are truly rewarding.

  1. Actively and Positively Promote your Brand Online

Once you’ve established a social profile that takes in numerous sites, the next step is to ensure that you utilise this to actively and positively promote your brand on a regular basis.

If you look at this LinkedIn page, for example, you’ll see a company that is regularly updated to include relevant news, opinion and actionable data that relates to the financial services sector. This reflects well on the brand, highlighting them as a thought leaders and an authority that potential clients can trust.

Similarly, the page also includes a positive description of the company and the services that it offers, helping to engage clients by establishing a clear value proposition. This can elevate your brand above the competition online, helping to create a positive brand image that clients want to be associated with.

  1. Offer Value Through Social Interactions

At this stage, you should have integrated and active social profile that regularly looks to engage clients. There’s no benefit in simply sharing content for the sake of it, however, as over time this can create a stale and boring profile that reflects negatively on your brand.

To avoid this, you need to ensure that clients are able to access value by interacting socially with the brand. This includes delivering actionable and viable industry data, of course, along with the type of authoritative opinion that can enable individuals to make informed decisions about their wealth.

It’s also important to share successful case studies with potential clients, so that they can see how your firm has accumulated wealth for similar brands in the same industry. This can be compelling, as it provides direct evidence of your expertise and adds genuine depth to the brand as a whole.

About the author

Ryan K

Ryan K