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How To Plan Your Own Wedding Ceremony

ClickHowTo Team
Written by ClickHowTo Team

Congratulations, you’ve just had the most amazing proposal, and now it’s time to start planning your wedding. It doesn’t matter when you intend to get married. There’s a lot to do, so it’s best to start thinking about it as early as possible. Some people like to take the stress away by hiring a wedding planner. They’ll arrange everything for you, including the venue, dress, location, menu invitations. Others, prefer to keep the wedding planning firmly in their hands. This isn’t a bad idea as it ensures you get the exact wedding that you want. Here are some of the things that you will need to consider when you make this decision.

Sending Out The Invites


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Your first job is to decide who you want at your wedding and invite them. You need to do this quickly because then you’ll have a good idea of how many guests will be attending. You can then start thinking about venues and seating. If you want to save a little money on your invitations, make them yourself, or use an e-card service. You would be amazed at just how much a professional wedding invitation company charges for even just fifty invites. With a little skill in DIY and a lot of time, you can create a perfectly crafted invitation yourself.

Finding The Venue


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You’ll then need to think about the wedding venue and where you will hold the ceremony. It’s entirely your choice where you get married. But you need to be aware that the most popular locations and venues are often booked early in advance. It’s the equivalent of going to Disney World. If you want to secure your place, you better think at least one year ahead. You’ll also need to consider the facilities that the venue offers. You might, for instance, want to get married outside. If you do this, you’ll need to look into arranging church chairs & seating for the ceremony. Unless of course, you plan on having your guests stand. But even then, you might be holding the reception outside. You’ll definitely need seating for that.

Food And Drink


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Next, look into hiring the services that you will need for your wedding. At the top of the list should be the caterers. Without caterers, you’re not going to have a wonderful reception. Remember, the ceremony might be the most important part for you, but for the guests, it’s the reception. This is the part of the event that they look forward to. You can look at reviews of different catering companies online before you secure a service.

The Schedule


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Finally, once you have secured the services you need, plan a schedule for the day. This should include time to get ready, travel to the ceremony and switching to the reception. It’s not a bad idea to hold a rehearsal before the day. Many people do this, but it’s not a requirement. However, it will give you peace of mind if you make sure there are no problems.

We hope you have a wonderful wedding day and enjoy the first part of the rest of your life.


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ClickHowTo Team

ClickHowTo Team