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How To Look Like A Million Dollars And Impress Your Friends

ClickHowTo Team
Written by ClickHowTo Team

Keeping up with the latest fashions has never been easy, this is why some ladies spend their entire lives reading through the latest magazines and keeping a close eye on the catwalk in the hope of staying ahead of the pack. In truth, attacking the situation like this is pretty pointless as millions of others will do the same thing. If you want to look like a million dollars all the time, it’s probably best not to follow cutting-edge trends and instead find your own look that’s both appealing and original. We don’t all want to look like clones now do we girls?

There’s actually a lot you could do to ensure you always look regal, and that’s exactly why I’m writing this article today. After years and years of following the directions of designers like Ralph Lauren, I think a serious change is very much overdue for all of us, so take a moment to scan through the following paragraphs, and I’m sure I’ll manage to inspire you to go at it alone. At the end of the day, who are you more likely to notice walking down the street: a clone or an individual?

Choosing The Right Garments

Although we spent the majority of the 1990s showing as much skin as possible, to be honest that look has become very dated and often gives the impression that we’re a little less than what most people would determine respectable. This is why the buzz-phrase for 2014 will be “more is less”. Opting for long, flowing dresses and silk shirts is certain to give you the upmarket look you desire so much, whilst also creating thoughts of respectability within the opposite sex (or the same sex; I’m not prejudice).

Choosing The Right Jewelry & Accessories

Fake bling, large earrings and bulky bracelets may have appealed to you ten years ago, but let’s face it, the time to move on has long since passed. Nowadays you’ll look considerably more luxurious with a couple of discrete gold rings and some precious stones. My boyfriend bought me some asscher cut diamonds in Dallas last year and since then I’ve turned heads at every dinner party we’ve attended, so maybe you should think about getting some?

Also, a stylish black designer handbag is often very effective, especially when you’re wearing diamonds as it brings out the colour and makes them shine even more.

Choosing The Right Shoes

This can be a little tricky as during the 1990s high heels were all the rage, and then we moved towards flats in the 2000s. Still, it seems we’ve now reached a happy medium, and the best option is somewhere in between. Think “office shoes” and you’re probably getting warm – something closed with a small heel is usually the best option, and if you can find shoes with a bit of bling, that’s acceptable too.

Well then ladies, that’s all you’re getting from me today because I’ve got an appointment with a chief designer at Gucci tomorrow, and I need to start making some notes so I have something to talk about.

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ClickHowTo Team

ClickHowTo Team

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