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How To Keep Your School Safe In 5 Easy Steps

Written by ClickHowTo Team

The life of a school principle isn’t easy, and you’ll need to juggle a variety of responsibilities throughout your working days. However, safety in the educational institute is paramount. Quite frankly, it should be your number one priority at all times.

It’s not a simple task, but a little hard work now will serve you very well in the future. Here are five simple steps to ensuring that you stay on top of the challenge.


Building Security

Before worrying about internal safety, you need to stop the threat of outside influences. As such, protecting the building with modern security systems should be the first step you take en route to building a safer environment.

The precautionary measures you take internally will count for nothing if an outsider can attack your school or the people within it. Even if it’s simply keeping out burglars, this has to be a positive move. Do not let it go unappreciated.




Digital Security

Physical security is your first worry, but you cannot forget virtual safety too. We live in a world where computer technology stores valuable data about your school, staff, and pupils. Avoiding the threat of hackers is essential.



Apart from antivirus and data encryption, you should think about the data access of pupils. Children need to be protected from adult material. This is why your internet settings should block any inappropriate sites. Modern tech can be a great thing, but it needs to be used safely. Make sure that the necessary steps are taken.



The school is used by hundreds, if not thousands, of people every day. If you aren’t careful, it could get dirty and unsafe very quickly. School cleaning services will ensure that the place remains safe and organized. More importantly, the cleanliness will stop the spreading of germs and common illnesses.

Aside from sickness, a clean and tidy environment will prevent physical injuries too. With so many people using the building, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Quite simply, cleanliness is next to godliness.



Be Prepared

Prevention is easily the best form of protection, and you’ll hopefully never need to deal with an episode. But you cannot afford to rule out the possibility altogether. Being prepared for the worst is vital, and it starts with fitting fire alarms and extinguishers in all areas.

Fires aren’t the only major threat, though. Ensuring pupils are provided with goggles in science labs, for example is equally pivotal. Likewise, gas detectors and other safety tools could have a huge influence on the overall safety too.


Introduce Guidelines

Creating a safer building is one thing. Getting people to use it in an appropriate manner is another altogether. If you want to see the very best results, training your staff in health and safety measures is essential.

However, the pupils need to use the environments safely too. Instructing children to carry heavy items in twos, for example, should avoid unwanted issues. Meanwhile, punishing unsafe behavior should be high on the agenda too. Otherwise, you could be asking for trouble.



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ClickHowTo Team