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How to Deal with the Aftermath of a Truck Accident

ClickHowTo Team
Written by ClickHowTo Team

Getting into a car accident certainly isn’t fun, but a truck accident could be much worse. Although truck drivers are statistically safer drivers than people in other vehicles, when they do have accidents, the results can be devastating. A loaded commercial truck weighs much more than a car and could be up to 25 times as heavy. Most accidents involving trucks end up causing serious injury and perhaps even fatalities. If you are involved in a truck crash, claiming compensation is different to if you had collided with another car. You might be able to claim compensation from the responsible party by following these instructions.

Find a Lawyer

If you have been in an accident involving a commercial truck, you should find a lawyer who can help you with your case. They can tell you whether you have a case and how likely it is that you will be able to receive compensation. When you’re looking for an attorney, try to find someone who has experience with similar cases. A lawyer who has dealt with a Dallas 18 wheeler accident will be in a better place to help you than one who has only handled cases involving personal cars. You need someone who knows the specifics of whether the driver or the company is liable and can make all the right moves.

Gather Evidence Needed to Prove Your Case

In order to show that the driver or their company was at fault, there are several things you need to be able to demonstrate. In order to show negligence on behalf of the other party, you need to prove that the defendant had a duty to exercise care and avoid injury. You have to demonstrate that they failed to exercise that care and that was the reason you were injured. If you managed to gather any evidence at the scene, including notes, photos or names and addresses of anyone involved or who witnessed the accident, it would be very useful.


Photo by sv1ambo

Identifying the Defendants

Your attorney might be able to prove that a trucking company had some degree of control over the driver, so they need to take responsibility for the accident. You might be able to get compensation from the driver, the company, their insurance company, contractors and other parties. It can be difficult to establish who is responsible if the driver is an independent contractor, as they don’t work directly for the company. Who can be held accountable might depend on how much the firm supervises the driver. You might also be able to hold the manufacturer or shipper of the goods responsible, for example if they are hazardous materials.

Claim for Damages

You might be able to request several types of damages, so you should discuss this with your lawyer. Among them may be medical expenses, pain and suffering, loss of wages or loss of affection or companionship.

Claiming for a truck accident can be complicated, but if you find a professional lawyer they can help you. Make sure you spend your time selecting one who can do their best for you.


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ClickHowTo Team

ClickHowTo Team