Deciding whether or not to sell your car and look for a new model can be a rather significant experience. You may discover that the car you’re currently driving isn’t worth quite as much as you’d hoped when the offers start pouring in, so knowing it’s value ahead of time is always a good idea. If you fail to do this you may well end up having to add considerably more capital to the sale price in order to purchase your new model, and with that in mind i’ve written this short article to fill you in on everything you need to know about getting an accurate valuation as quickly as possible.
So, have a quick read through the following paragraphs and i’m confident you’ll be in a much better position to make the right decision, regardless of which make and model you currently drive.
Research Prices At Your Local Dealerships
This is a great way of finding out how much people are willing to pay for the car you’re looking to sell. Make sure you spend a day driving round any local second-hand car dealerships and take note of how much they’re asking for their vehicles of a similar spec. Then do the same a few weeks later and see if you notice that any of their models are no longer on the forecourt, as this suggests they achieved a successful sale.
Use Online Valuation Calculators
As most of us now have constant access to the internet through many different devices around our homes, it makes sense that we should utilise everything this brilliant tool has to offer. So, type something like “online car valuation” into Google search and have a browse through some of the websites that are at the very top of the listings. I actually found a company who were willing to buy my used car after following this technique.
Ask Your Friends & Family How Much They’d Be Willing To Pay
Though this isn’t strictly an accurate valuation method, you’d be surprised by how savvy some people are when it comes to cars, so asking your friends and family how much they would pay for your vehicle can be a great way of finding out a ballpark valuation figure. I’d take all their answers and work out the average amount. Chances are the real value will be very close to the number you’re left with.
This is also good because it means everyone you ask will know your car is up for sale, so they’re likely to mention it to their friends and family too, and if that carries on, at some point the information will reach someone who’s looking to buy a new vehicle.
So there you have it my petrol-headed friends. Hopefully now you’ll be in a much better position to find out the true value of your car before advertising it for sale. The last thing anyone wants is to undervalue an asset, so don’t make the same mistakes so many others have before you, and ensure you accept nothing less than the cars worth.